Thursday, March 3, 2011

Potty Time!

I opened the door to let Rascal out this morning and the sky was beautiful.

So I kinda started with the potty training back in January. I've really been slacking on it though & Kendall hasn't show much interest. Lately she's been asking to sit on the potty more though. She told me last week "poop potty!" So I put her on the potty and she actually pooped. Awesome! Never thought I'd be so excited about poop! She peed on it one other time & she's peed on it over at Andrea's too. I haven't even had to bust out the bribery (candy) yet. We'll see!


Liebner Family said...

Yay for potty training!! :) exciting to hear Kendy is taking an interest in it!! Kate, not so much! we have one in the b/r but she uses it for a stool, and only wants to sit on it when its convenient, like nap time ;0) haha GOOD LUCK!!!! :) keep us posted!!

Anonymous said...

She will get it! Hold off on candy as long as possible:) did you try pretty underwear yet? Cb

Anonymous said...

I want to face fuck that slut til she has a mouthful of my cum and her pussy is busted wide

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Leak Teens

Anonymous said...

she would never have to use the toilet. she could go pee and poop direct into my mouth every time she needs to go

Anonymous said...

Any more links

Anonymous said...