Monday, October 20, 2008

Seeing Spots

On Friday, I was eating lunch & I just started seeing "spots" and having some blurry vision. This lasted for maybe 10 minutes. Then I got a terrible headache that pretty much lasted the rest of the afternoon. Then on Saturday, I was at Kohl's by myself and I started seeing the "spots" again. I had to hurry up and pay for my stuff and get outta there cuz I didn't want to faint or do anything to embarrass myself. Then on Sat nite, I woke up with this horrible stabbing pain on the right side of my head that would not go away. Then last nite, I was doing the dishes and started seeing the spots again and got another instant headache. It's like one minute you are fine and then the next you are in agony. So I called the dr this morning to explain all this to them. She wanted me to come in to make sure everything was alright with my blood pressure. My blood pressure was fine and the baby is fine. I did have some blood in my urine so I ended up having an internal to make sure I wasn't bleeding or anything. But she said everything is ok "up there". I thought all this " seeing spots" stuff could have been from the flu shot, but the Dr said she'd never heard that before. It must have just been a coincidence. If I have more spots, I'm suppose to call her and I might have to see a neurologist. Otherwise she said I might have some kind of virus. Who knows? All I know is I don't want any more spots or terrible headaches!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.k. I'm a worier so don't take things lightly Jason knows all about migrines have himm help you through these can't wait to see you sat.
Love MIL