Wednesday, June 19, 2013

19 Weeks! It's a Boy!!!

All the questions I do each week are getting a bit repetitive, so I'm going to take a break from those for a bit. I had my 19 week ultrasound/appt yesterday. We took Kendall with us so she could see her baby brother or sister. Well, she seemed a bit bored. I guess that is understandable. I had a hard time seeing some of the baby parts myself becuz he kept moving all over the place. His heartbeat was 147 bpm.  The baby is looking healthy so far and it's a little BOY!! So that's cool.  New territory for us there and Jason is really happy about it.  I'm doing well so far too.   Time to start pricing all of Kendy's old clothes and have a garage sale to make some extra cash!!

In other news, we signed a contract to build a new construction home in Wentzville. We're excited about that. It will be nice to have more space and each kid will have their own room.  It won't be done til December though. Merry Xmas to us. :)

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Yay for frogs n snails and puppy dog tails!