Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy BOO to you!

Yesterday, Kendall got her flu shot. She did great, she didn't even cry when the nurse gave her it. I'm glad she was finally able to get one with all the sickness going around. They've been hard to find. Our pedi's office wasn't giving the shots & the Urgent Care the pedi's office recommended had been out of shots too. Walgreen's didn't have any either. The Health Dept isn't giving them. Luckily, Jason called the Urgent Care yesterday and they had gotten more in. Now she just has to go back & get the booster in a month. Trying to find the H1N1 shot is a whole 'nother story!
It's hard to see, but K finally has a tooth!! It's been there for a couple weeks, but it's hard to get a picture of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the tee