Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pregnancy Trivia

I found some more interesting facts about pregnancy. Thought I'd share them.

*Healthiest babies are born to women who gain at least 35 lbs during pregnancy. (National Academy of Sciences).

*The average pregnant women gains 22 lbs. She loses 13.5 lbs within an hr after delivery. Another 3.5 lbs is lost during the next 12 days & 6 weeks later she weighs 17.75 lbs less than she did at the start of labor. (22 lbs total seems low to me, I think I will definitely surpass that mark!! I've always heard the average gain is 25-35 lbs.)

*Children conceived during cool months average slightly higher on IQ tests than those conceived during warm months. (YAY, we have a chance of a smart kid!!)

*The saline content of amniotic fluid is the same as the oceans.

*The skin of an unborn baby, if cut by a surgical incision, heals without a scar.

*Unborn babies dream. (What about, I have no idea!!!)

*Expectant mothers who go thru morning sickness earlier on in pregnancy are less likely to give birth prematurely. ( I didn't have any sickness, so does that mean I'll give birth right on time??)

*A woman over age 40 is 128 percent more likely to bear a left handed child.

*A woman is more susceptible to sunburn during pregnancy than at other times. ( I'll vouch for this!!)

*Pregnant women who take vitamin B-6 don't suffer from morning sickness. (Never heard of this, so have no idea if it's true or not).

*Couples are more likely to expand their family if they have only girls.

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